The Laws of Attraction
What happens when you market the place you do business
more than the business you do.

Trusted by Leading Travel and Tourism Events Around
the World
The Power of Story
Watch Andrew in action at the Florida Governor's Conference
The Laws of Attraction
What happens when you market the place you do business more than the business you do!
When is the last time you read the “About Us” page on your website? Better yet, when is the last time you updated it? Believe it or not, that page is one of the most underutilized tools in your marketing arsenal. All you have to do is answer one simple question: why is your business based here?
In this keynote presentation, bestselling author and former television producer Andrew Davis will uncover the four simple secrets to driving higher-margin business just by marketing the place you do business.
He’ll teach you what makes a great origin story. He’ll show you how to leverage location-envy to attract the best employees. He’ll teach you how to create a sense of place.
But more importantly, you’ll be inspired to leverage the power of place to build your business - and your town!
Are you ready to stake your claim?

Conquering Competition, Budget Hurdles, and Evolving Trends
Destination marketers rock the travel world, but it's not all smooth sailing. The fierce competition demands creativity that pops. Tight budgets? No worries, clever investments save the day. And hey, travelers' tastes change like the wind, but we've got the secret sauce to adapt and thrive. Let's tackle these challenges head-on and shine in the industry!
It's time we Stake our Claim with the Laws of Attraction.

Audiences Love the Amazing Stories
Get ready to experience the incredible impact of storytelling in solving today's travel concerns. Uncover the awe-inspiring tales of hidden gems and underdog destinations that achieved mind-blowing success.
By harnessing the power of captivating narratives, we can fuel audience enthusiasm, ignite wanderlust, and conquer the competition. Let's unleash the magic of stories and take our destinations to new heights.

Three Years of Adventure & a Recipe for Success
For three thrilling years, I criss-crossed the United States, on a quest to uncover the secret behind successful cities and towns.
It turns out, they all follow the three laws of attraction. This wild research journey led to my game-changing book, Town INC., packed with the ultimate recipe for success.
Let's unlock the magic together!

Discover Your Destination's Marketing Potential
Uncover the Laws of Attraction and Propel Your Success

See Andrew Live & In-Person